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Social distancing rules to be relaxed

The Government will relax social distancing measures in accordance with the ?suppress and lift? strategy. Starting from Friday, bathhouses, party rooms, clubs or nightclubs and karaoke establishments can resume operation.


The Secretary for Food & Health issued the latest directions under the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirements & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation through notices published in the Gazette today.


The move was made as the situation in Hong Kong has stabilised in terms of the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in recent weeks, and no new local cases have been detected after enhanced testing in the community.


The latest directions will also allow karaoke activities to be carried on in catering premises, party rooms and club-houses provided that the applicable directions in respect of karaoke establishments are complied with.


Any part of the club-house being used or operated as a party room will also be allowed to resume operation, provided that the applicable directions in respect of party rooms are complied with.


Other measures regulating catering businesses and scheduled premises will be maintained.


The latest directions will come into effect at midnight on May 29 for a period of seven days.

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