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DC constituency delineation accepted

The Chief Executive in Council has accepted the Electoral Affairs Commission?s final recommendations that there should be 452 constituencies for the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election with one District Councillor to be elected for each constituency.


The commission earlier conducted a public consultation on its provisional recommendations.


The Chief Executive in Council?s decision to accept the commission?s recommendations would be effected by way of an order to be gazetted on December 14 and tabled at the Legislative Council on January 9.


The Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Bureau said the commission carefully considered all public representations before submitting its final recommendations to the Chief Executive and it endeavoured to strike a fair balance between public wishes and the statutory criteria for constituency delineation.


The bureau said the Government and the commission will put all necessary arrangements in place to facilitate a smooth election.


Click here for the final recommendations for the District Council constituency delineation.

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